Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Treatment for Imperfection

Last summer I was at a conference in Germany when I had the opportunity to meet with a counselor for one hour, free of charge. I was amazed at the range of topics we were able to cover in the limited time. One thing has really stuck out to me. She said, "The treatment for perfectionism is to do something imperfectly."

Over the course of this past year Jesus has been speaking to me about my perfectionism. I have been discussing the subject with a trusted friend, spent hours praying about it, and I have learned many new things along the way. I'm interested in starting this blog as a workshop of sorts, a place where I can discuss, wrestle with, and overcome the parts of perfectionism that hold me back.

I must be very vulnerable with you, dear reader, because my natural tendency is to only show the people around me the things I find acceptable. I get so embarrassed if I lose control of my imperfections. This should be a safe place for anyone who is also on this journey to overcoming the temptation and prison of perfectionism. I'm learning to see myself graciously and not judge my performance so harshly.

One of my favorite quotes comes from a book by an author whose pen name is B. Wing. She says, "If you don't want to be perfect you've come to the right place." I don't want to be perfect and I need to find a new pathway of thinking. Would you like to join me?

Update: I originally wrote this post in August 2014 and it has taken me this long to press the publish button. It wasn't until recently that a friend helped me see my perfectionism was once again holding me back. I have to take the leap.